
DC Update: Republican Chairman of House Municipal Finance Caucus Vows Support of Tax Exemption

Congressman Rudy Yakym (R-IN), the Republican Chairman of the House Municipal Finance Caucus today stated in an interview with Bloomberg News that he is willing to go to bat to protect the tax-exempt status of municipal bonds during the ongoing tax debates. Mr. Yakym sits on the powerful Committee on Ways and Means which is currently being tasked with finding ways to extend the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) by years end. The BDA continues to work with Mr. Yakym’s staff providing technical assistance and helping him grow support for the Municipal Finance Caucus.

The article can be viewed here.

Mr Yakym stated: “We have to protect the tax exemption for our municipal bondholders full stop. The thing that we have to protect most is the municipal-bond status for cities and towns across the country. As we look at the menu of options that are available to us, my goal in the committee is to ensure that municipal tax-bond exemption removal is not on that menu for discussion.”

The BDA is hosting its next DC fly-in on Thursday, April 10th. If you are interested in participating please email Brett Bolton at

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