
McGuireWoods joins BDA

I’m pleased to announce the newest member of the BDA, McGuireWoods.

Founded in 2008 by 14 firms, the BDA now represents over 100 firms headquartered nationwide and is the only DC-based association for dealers and banks active in the US bond markets.

The addition of the legal and regulatory teams at McGuireWoods makes the BDA a deeper, stronger, and more effective organization – for all member firms.


Our law firm, over its 186-year history, has earned the loyalty of our many long-standing clients with a deep understanding of their businesses, and broad skills in corporate transactions, high-stakes disputes, and complex regulatory and compliance matters. Our wholly-owned affiliate, McGuireWoods Consulting, now in its 22nd year, provides a unique — and uniquely potent — combination of state and federal government relations prowess, buttressed by world-class infrastructure, economic development, and advocacy expertise.


McGuireWoods has one of the largest public finance practices in the nation, and the firm’s public finance attorneys have been involved in public finance transactions in virtually every state. The depth of the firm’s public finance experience affords clients the highest quality service in all areas of public finance while retaining a strong commitment to providing personal and responsive attention. McGuireWoods has served as bond counsel to more than 250 counties, cities, towns, service authorities, sanitary tax districts, special tax districts, and other issuers including states and state authorities. The firm’s public finance attorneys have assisted states and local governments in financing all types of public improvements using numerous financing techniques, including traditional general obligation and revenue bond financings, short-term financings by tax, grant and bond anticipation notes, and non-traditional financings involving leases, certificates of participation, lease revenue bonds, “moral obligation” contracts, incremental tax revenue pledges and special taxing districts.

McGuireWoods finished 2020 ranked No. 9 nationally on the list of top underwriter’s counsel published by The Bond Buyer, the daily newspaper of public finance. In addition to its national ranking for serving as underwriter’s counsel, McGuireWoods ranked No. 2 on The Bond Buyer’s list of top bond counsel in the Southeast and No. 1 in Virginia. The firm also earned a No. 3 bond counsel ranking in Maryland and a No. 5 rankings in North Carolina.


Collaborating often with our public finance attorneys regarding fixed-income regulatory compliance and enforcement issues is our Securities Enforcement Defense and Litigation team. With a Securities Enforcement Defense and Litigation Team comprised of former senior SEC and FINRA enforcement attorneys and litigators, as well as high-level federal prosecutors, we are experts at managing every stage of complex securities investigations – from informal inquiries through investigations, litigation, and appeals.

Our Team is at the forefront of the continually evolving issues confronting the securities industry and consistently represents clients before regulatory agencies in investigations and litigation involving complex and high-profile fixed-income issues.  Building on decades of experience of practicing before government agencies, our Team provides clients innovative and pragmatic counsel when the government comes calling or when faced with a corporate crisis.

Through direct, federal advocacy, industry events, market practice documents, and industry surveys, the BDA continues to be the primary advocate in Washington, DC for fixed income dealers.

For more information on the BDA please contact Mike Nicholas at or 202-204-7901.  You can also find more information on the BDA website:

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