White House Introduces Infrastructure Package that Expands PABs

On February 12, 2018, the Trump Administration released the highly anticipated infrastructure proposal.  The plan, included in the FY 2019 budget request,calls for $200 billion in direct federal funding to leverage $1.5 trillion in private investment.  In what will cause heartburn on Capitol Hill, the Administrations budget calls for the elimination of popular transit programs such as Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grants and Amtrak to fund the proposal.

Private Activity Bonds Explained

Of the $200 billion, $100 billion will create an Incentives Program to spur additional dedicated funds from States, localities, and the private sector.  Of this program, $20 billion will be allocated to an expanded usage of private-activity bonds.

While all details are not public, it is believed PABs will be expanded for use on all governmental infrastructure, as well as reinstate the ability to advance refund PABs.

Next Steps

The BDA continues to work with our partners in the MBFA and the issuer community to engage with Capitol Hill and the Administration to ensure that governmental and private-activity bonds will be a cornerstone of any infrastructure legislation.

The BDA will host a Municipal Division Leadership call soon to discuss and strategize on opportunities for the muni market and BDA members.
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